Jonathan Monk
Bits & Pieces Put Together to Present a Semblance of a Whole
16MM RUN, the ongoing experimental film programme in collaboration with Villa Lontana returns on 4 May. British artist Jonathan Monk is the protagonist of this event, who will present a new work created for the occasion.

Jonathan Monk, scan from The Silent Tornado-For Jack Goldstein, 2003, courtesy Jonathan Monk Studio.
Monk is a Berlin-based British artist whose work includes a wide range of media including installations, photography, film, sculpture and performance. His artistic practice often recalls procedural approaches typical of Conceptual and Minimalist strategies of the 1960s and 1970s grounding his conceptual approach with a personal and humorous twist often related to his personal history. Much of his work is gently playful demystifying the creative process and suggesting alternative models for how art and the role of the artist can be re-interpreted.
In the early 2000’s Monk made a series of short animation films starting from a selection of artist’s books, part of his personal collection, among which are books by Sol LeWitt, Richard Long and Gilbert & George. His experimentation with film deals both with the weight of the film camera and the durational element of film itself. For this occasion the artist will present one longer film created from a series of his shorter animations, using rough cuts, fast tempos and eccentric rhythms. The title references a work by Lawrence Weiner made in 2005.
The screening will take place in the sala cinema.
No booking required.
Free entrance until capacity reached.