Ricreazione – Appunti per una didattica contemporanea
With Irene Angenica, Giuliana Benassi, Paolo Canevari, Cecilia Canziani, Giovanna Cozzi, Vasco Forconi, Giulia Gaibisso, Ginevra Ludovici, Vera Maglioni, Fabio Mongelli, Laura Negrini, Giorgia Rissone, Laura Scarlata, Marta Silvi, Silvia Simoncelli, Anna Tagliacozzo, Daniela Vasta, “Senza titolo”
The Department of Preventive Education of MACRO – Museum of Contemporary art of Rome has organized a day of workshops and talks aimed at museum educators, teachers at all levels, researchers, associations or groups, artists and curators, involved in arts education in Italy.

The one-day program centres on the necessity of reflecting on the role and position of contemporary artistic practices in pedagogy in Italy. The objective is to foster dialogue among the participants, rethinking the way institutional structures can implement their education programs to provide the elements necessary for the training and interaction of professional figures in the field of arts education.
The proposal involves thinking about an alternative model of education, to rethink the concepts of productivity, learning and community, in a perspective that centres on participatory artistic processes and forms of collective study to rethink education in a more radical approach.
The programme provides opportunities for interaction between realities and individuals from different contexts of art education, with the possibility of collaborating on the creation of new ideas, contents and projects.
In the afternoon there will be an educational workshop for children and adults, coordinated by “Senza titolo”.
Those in attendance will also receive a notebook produced by the museum, containing the description of the organizations invited, in which to take notes on the proceedings and to engage in small exercises of imagination.
12.30 pm – 1.30 pm (foyer)
Educazione nei musei. Roma educa al Contemporaneo?
With Irene Angenica (MACRO), Giovanna Cozzi (MAXXI), Laura Scarlata ( Palazzo delle Esposizioni), Daniela Vasta (GAM)
1.30 pm -2.30 pm (foyer)
Lunch break
2.30 pm – 4 pm (foyer)
Accademie. Come si formano l* artist*?
With Giuliana Benassi and Marta Silvi (ABA), Fabio Mongelli (RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts), Laura Negrini (IED Roma), Silvia Simoncelli (Head of Education, NABA)
Moderated by Vasco Forconi MACRO) and Irene Angenica (MACRO)
4.30 – 7 pm (foyer)
Artist* e Curtor*. Come la pratica artistica e curatoriale si fonde con la didattica
Participated activity with Cecilia Canziani and Giulia Gaibisso (IUNO), Ginevra Ludovici (Independent researcher and curator), Vera Maglioni (artist) Paolo Canevari (artist), Giorgia Rissone (smART – polo per l’arte), Anna Tagliacozzo (CASTRO)
From 3 pm to 4 pm and from 4 pm to 5 pm (aula didattica)
Workshop Esplorazione percettiva for adults and children curated by “Senza titolo”
The workshops are free of charge with a limited number of participants, and require obligatory reservations made by writing to info@senzatitolo.net, indicating number of persons, with first and last names.
Technical sponsor: Gelateria Fassi