Until lions have their historians, hunters will always be the heroes
Workshop curated by Michela De Mattei
With the educational coordination of “Senza titolo,” the free workshops aimed at young adults proected and created by and for the artists featured in the RETROFUTURE section, continues. On 10 May, from 3 pm to 7 pm Michela De Mattei will lead participants to discover her research and artistic practice.

Octopus tries to defend itself as a vlogger tries to eat it during a live-stream (The Independent), 9 May 2019
One of the ways in which animals manifest their will, their dissent and their sheer presence is by being where they ‘shouldn’t be’, like pigeons in public squares. During the workshop we will discuss animal agency and the relationship dynamics between human and non-human animals, asking how animals can be part of History or create their own. Participants will be asked to identify and share an episode of animal resistance to a situation of human control. Stories may be gathered from online news, private memories, historical documents or even personal notes captured ad hoc. Source materials may be visual, audio or literary and will be collectively analysed and reinterpreted. All these sources will then be combined together in a single archive in digital and/or paper form.
To participate in the workshop, you must send an email to edumacro@senzatitolo.net by 9th of May 2024 with the subject line “Until lions have their historians”, enclosing your own account of an act of animal resistance, whether individual or collective.