Five Books
Gianluca Concialdi is one of the artists who will inaugurate the museum’s RETROFUTURE section this fall/winter season 2020 — 2021.
Below he shares five books of profound personal importance straight from a dealer of trust in Palermo.

I find each passage of these five books fundamental. You will have noticed that the books are photographed in the bookshop. The reason is simple: I don’t currently own these books, they were lent to me (2666 by Sofia) or I gave them as gifts (Murderous whores to Francesco). Limonov was given to me by Pino, I had The wild detectives stolen from me at a festival in Nebrodi in 2016. I promised myself to read Cuore di cane (Dog’s heart) and today I bought it with the excuse of going to the bookstore to photograph these covers.
The thing that these books have in common and that links them to me, is the free expressive madness with which they were created. A total freedom as totalitarian as the worlds in which the various characters of these five masterpieces follow one another. Esuli, queers, vagabonds, wanderers, shaman players, serial killer whores, prophets, promiscuous professors, elusive writers, dissidents of every kind, surreal neighbours, the Lupe, the world seen with the eyes of a transplanted dog, deep breaths that dilate.
I will not photograph or extract phrases from the books for obvious reasons.