105 min, color, sound

You can listen to Napoli Segreta’s talk for REwind/REcount, a series of events in which one can relive and listen to the stories of musicians and key figures of the Italian music scene and beyond. 


NAPOLI SEGRETA is part of something bigger happening in Naples today. A different spirit that brings together music, literature and images in a new aesthetic, outside of the usual clichés surrounding the city. Napoli Segreta is a distributed, diffused, fragmented, but unifying cultural movement that moves between avant-garde and “retro-avantgarde”. An audio journey through the thousands of different Napolis, led by Famiglio Discoscristiana and DNApoli: events, anecdotes and glimpses of an environment that is distant yet current and likely to be the future.  


Napoli Segreta is also the name of the compilation, published by NG Records, which collects hidden gems of Neapolitan funk and disco discography. It is an action of rediscovery that may have seemed to be anachronistic many years ago but that has become a legend and has continued in recent years with Nu Guinea.