Saturday 10 December 2022, from 3 pm until 7 pm
Sunday 11 December 2022, from 12 pm until 7 pm

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the birth of MACRO under its current name of Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome.
Starting with this anniversary, two days of talks and roundtables trace the history of the museum, while tracing some key themes of its role and relationship with the city of Rome and its art actors. The starting point of this narrative is related to the personalities who have directed it over the past two decades, invited to narrate the museum, presenting in succession the moments, themes and protagonists that have marked its programming. This is followed by a day devoted to the perspectives of the city and its contemporary art system. Without the ambition of an exhaustive reconstruction, the discussion is rather about some sensitive touchpoints,occurred, ongoing and potential, of the ever-evolving relationship between the museum and its surrounding context.
Saturday 10 December, from 3 pm until 7 pm
3 pm
Marco Delogu, Presidente Azienda Speciale Palaexpo
Luca Lo Pinto, Direttore Artistico MACRO
3.20 pm
Opening: Danilo Eccher
3.40 pm
Luca Massimo Barbero
Bartolomeo Pietromarchi
Giovanna Alberta Campitelli
Federica Pirani
Giorgio de Finis
5 pm
Round table:
moderated by Francesco Stocchi
Luca Massimo Barbero, Giovanna Alberta Campitelli, Giorgio de Finis, Danilo Eccher, Luca Lo Pinto, Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, Federica Pirani
Sunday 11 December 2022, from 12 pm until 7 pm
12 pm – The museum and the city
moderated by Stefano Chiodi
Achille Bonito Oliva
Elisabetta Benassi
Hou Hanru
Elena Stancanelli
Andrea Viliani
1 pm – Formation
moderated by Saverio Verini
Cecilia Casorati
Laura Cherubini
Gaia Di Lorenzo
Alessandro Piangiamore
2 pm – International relations
moderated by Adrienne Drake
Joëlle Comé
Julia Draganović
Giulia Ruberti
Ilaria Leoni
3 pm – Public/Private
moderated by Ludovico Pratesi
Beatrice Bulgari
Giovanni Giuliani
Damiana Leoni
Mauro Nicoletti
Raffaella e Stefano Sciarretta
4 pm – Inside/Out
moderated by Giuseppe Armogida
Paola Capata
Piersandra Di Matteo
Annalisa Metta
Lorenzo Gigotti and Valerio Mannucci (NERO)
5 pm – Artists/Institutions
moderated by Alessandra Mammì
Matteo Nasini
Lulù Nuti
Alfredo Pirri
Gianni Politi
Technical sponsor: Birra Peroni