MESMERICA L.N.I-3 – Macchina per l’emissione di sogni, memorie, ectoplasmi, racconti, incubi, chimere e allucinazioni
A project by Lab For New Imaginations III
With Federico Arani, Camilla Carroli, Irene Coscarella, Stella Liantonio, Gabriele Magro, Davide Marcianesi, Tommaso Pandolfi, Arianna Tremolanti
Circolo Kokè
MESMERICA L.N.I-3, the dreams, memories, ectoplasms, tales, nightmares, chimeras and hallucunations-emitting machine, is a collectible publishing project created within the Lab for New Imaginations III programme of the Department for Preventive Education, held at MACRO in September 2023.

MESMERICA L.N.I-3 is an expansion of limited edition collectible cards. The collection consists of visual and textual research by the eight pertecipants investigating the dimension of dreaming. The publishing format can trigger dynamics of collective comparison and enjoyment, exchange and collecting. The papers, randomly distributed within packets, get lost and overlap with each other, becoming engines of unexpected combinations.
The MESMERICA L.N.I-3 machine will land for the first time on Friday 15 December at Circolo Kokè to tell and distribute broken dreams, on a night when something went wrong, to the sound of Balkan music and Italian beer.
The event is free and open to the public.
Admission to Circolo Kokè is by Arci membership card, which can be made on site.